Stephen Shaw's Biography
I was born in South Africa. From a young age, I was having psychic and clairvoyant experiences which no-one could explain to me. I lost my mother when I was 5 years old, and my father was a staunch atheist, so I learned to keep my unusual and profound experiences to myself.
At 11 years old, I found a pamphlet for Transcendental Meditation. I was strongly drawn to this and harassed my father until he finally relented and paid for a teacher. She was a wonderful elderly lady who showed me the principles and gave me my first mantra. I practiced TM every morning and evening. Soon I was spontaneously grieving. I cried for two weeks, greatly worrying my father. Despite his requests, I would not quit meditating. The grieving abated and I started having incredible psychic and spiritual experiences. One morning I was sitting with my eyes closed when a silver dot appeared in the distance; then it rushed toward me and exploded into my forehead (third eye chakra). I did not understand what was happening. Beings of Light would often surround me; I had no terms of reference so I just called them 'the good guys'. I began experiencing deeply peaceful states of consciousness. However, with nobody to share all these experiences, I developed into a quieter, introspective child.
When I was 15 years old, I decided that my mission in life was to find all the secrets and keys for a fulfilling and successful life, and to understand this mystery of Existence, then share all that sacred knowledge with the world in order to improve the quality of everyone’s life.
Here is a brief synopsis of my life: I was born in South Africa, a country with eleven passionate tribes, an exquisite natural environment, awesome wildlife and delicious food. School bored me to tears (the only subject I enjoyed was English, especially writing). At 18 years old, I was drafted into military service (compulsory in S.A.). I spent two years in the Marine Corps. It was a great place to acquire the valuable skill of discipline. After that, I qualified as a Commercial Diver and chose to work on the west coast of South Africa, diving for diamonds in the cold Atlantic Ocean. Yes, that’s a thing! I loved being underwater; it felt completely natural to me. When an unusual weather pattern was predicted to shut down offshore diving for 6 months, I enrolled in the University of South Africa. A few years later I graduated with a BA Honours Psychology. I absolutely loved university because I could choose my subjects. I spent a few years in the business world (Human Resources, Training and Development). I relocated to the United Kingdom and established a Learning and Development Consultancy and also a Psychic Therapy business. One day I realized that what I had was not enough. At 39 years old, I walked away from everything. For the next 10 years I travelled the world, immersing myself in the beautiful spiritual cultures of Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Maldives, Egypt, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Peru, Mexico and Hawaii. I searched worldwide for the secrets and keys to deep fulfillment, profound self-love and resounding joy. My exhilarating and challenging adventure resulted in me writing 12 bestselling spiritual mystical books.
My most profound, liberating, transformative event was meeting Shakti Goddess, who forced me to unlearn everything I knew. Her sacred mantra is "Unlearn, Let Go, Adapt, Flow". Once my feet were securely on this Ultimate Path, I was propelled into purification, healing and transformation of my body, mind and soul. My entire life was completely transformed beyond anything I could have humanly conceived. The Shakti Goddess Path requires absolute surrender to her supreme Grace, Love and Wisdom. This results in the optimal life with divine synchronicity. Clients can experience profound healing and transformation, as well as expansive states of love, joy, bliss and freedom at my Shakti Mystery School (invitation only).
I am now married and settled in Los Angeles, California. My wife is my soul mate, best friend and Kundalini companion! My wildest dreams have come true.
Some of my 5000+ travel photos
The journey begins
Cuddling a lion cub,
South Africa
​Training to be a commercial diver, South Africa
Banff, Canada
St Foy, France
Tiger's Nest Monastery, Bhutan
The Maldives
Mystical Adventures, Peru
Atlantean Mysteries, Greece
Temple of Apollo, Greece
Loutro, Crete
Temple of Poseidon, Greece
Chichen Itza, Mexico
Palenque, Mexico
Yamdrok Lake, Tibet
Karola Glacier, Tibet
Sera Monastery, Tibet
Pelkor Chode Monastery, Tibet
Sanggye Dhungu Temple, Tibet
Road to Area 51, Nevada, USA